Changshang Chang


1. The Introduction of the Taiwanese Osteoporosis Society President's Award for Dr. Chawnshang Chang (click for detailed information)

2. Education:

  1. National Taiwan University, Agriculture Chemistry, BS, 1978
  2. Taiwan Army Chemical School (ROTC), Taiwan, Chemistry, Lieutenant, 1980
  3. University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ph.D., 1985
  4. University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Molecular Endocrinology Postdoc, 1988

3. Professional and Academic Experience:

  1. 1988-90 Assistant Professor and Director, Urology Research Labs, Dept. of Surgery/Urology and Ben May Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
  2. 1990-00 Assistant Professor (90-93), Associate Professor (93-96), Professor (96-97). Visiting Professor (97-00), Director, Tissue & Blood Bank (90-97). Departments of Human Oncology and Medicine and UW Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
  3. 1996-98 Visiting Professor, Department of Urology, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
  4. 1998- Visiting Professor, Oncology Institute, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
  5. 1998- Visiting Professor & Director of Andrology Lab, Dept. of Urology, Beijing Medical Univ., China
  6. 1999- Director and Adjunct Professor, Reproductive Medicine Institute, Chang Gung University, Taiwan
  7. 1999- Director and Adjunct Professor, Steroid Hormone Research Center, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
  8. 1997- Director, George Whipple Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
  9. 1997- Director, Urology Research Center, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
  10. 1997- Director, Molecular Oncology Graduate Program. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
  11. 1997- George Whipple Distinguished Professor, Departments of Pathology, Urology, Radiation Oncology and Biochemistry, and The Cancer Center, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

4. Honors and Awards:

  1. 1988 The Ayerst Award for Outstanding Young Endocrinologist from the Endocrine Society
  2. 1989 Andrew Melon Award for Outstanding Young Faculty in USA from Andrew Melon Foundation
  3. 1990 Outstanding Young Investigator Award from Cancer Research Foundation
  4. 1991 The Milheim Award for Excellence in Cancer Research from Milheim Foundation
  5. 1991-94 American Cancer Society Junior Professorship in Cancer Research
  6. 1995-97 Blowity-Ridgeway Award in Andrology from Blowity-Ridgeway Foundation
  7. 1993-99 CapCure Award (6 times) for Excellence in Prostate Cancer Research
  8. 1997 Award with Honorary Fellow from The Japan Society of Andrology (The 2nd Non-Japanese ever awarded such honor)
  9. 1998 George Hoyt Whipple Lecture, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
  10. 1998 Jiepimg Wu Award, for Outstanding Achievement in Urology (The highest honor for Chinese-Medical Researcher). Beijing, China.
  11. 1999 President Award for Outstanding Urology Research, The highest honor from The Urology Association of Taiwan for the Contribution in Androgen Receptor and Prostate Cancer.
  12. 1999 Davey Memorial Award for Outstanding Cancer research, University of Rochester.
  13. 1999 Scholar of the Year, The highest honor from The Taiwanese Osteoporosis Association for Outstanding Contribution in Sex hormones and Osteoporosis.
  14. The Taiwanese Osteoporosis Society President誷 Award

5. Grant and Publication Review:

  1. 1995- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Bioscience.
  2. 1999- Member of Editorial Board, Endocrine.
  3. 1999- Member of Editorial Board, The Prostate Journal
  4. 1994-01 NIH Study Section: Ad Hoc & Regular Member at Biochemical Endocrinology
  5. 1992-96 VA Merit Grant Oncology Study Section
  6. 1993-95 NIH Prostate SPORE P50 Center Grant; and NIH PO1 Core Grant
  7. 1993- ARMY Breast Cancer Grant Pathology Study Section
  8. 1992-98 Medical Research Council of Canada and Dutch Cancer Society Grant;
  9. 1998- NIH Research Centers in Minority Institutes Core Grant 1996-99 Taiwan CRC Biomedical Sciences Project and Taiwan National Science Council Grant
  10. 1990- Reviewer in PNAS/JBC/Mol. Endo/Cancer Research and 16 other peer-reviewed journals Invited Speaker: 47 International Symposia and 188 Universities/Institutes (1988-present)

6. Research Projects Ongoing or Completed During the Last 3 Years:

·         Title I: "TR2 and TR3 Orphan Receptors in Prostate Cancer" (15% effort) -Agency: NIH/NIDDK; RO1-DK47258, Years 5-8 (09/01/99-08/31/03). P.I.: Chawnshang Chang, Ph.D. The goals of this project are to study the up- and down-stream regulation of TR2/TR3 in prostate.

·         Title II: "TR4 Orphan Receptor in Testis" (15% effort) -Agency: NIH/NIDDK; RO1-DK56984, Years 1-4 (01/01/01-12/31/04). P.I.: Chawnshang Chang, Ph.D. The goals of this project are to study the associated proteins that may modulate TR4 function.

·         Title III: "PTEN Tumor Suppressor in Breast Cancer" (10% effort) Agency: ARMY/Breast Program; Idea Award, Years 1-3 (06/01/01?5/31/04). P.I.: Chawnshang Chang, Ph.D. The goals of this project are to study the role of PTEN in breast cancer.

·         Title IV: "Suppression of AR Transactivation by AKT Kinase" (10% effort) Agency: ARMY/Prostate Program; Idea Award, Years 1-3 (01/01/02?2/31/04). P.I.: C. Chang, Ph.D. The goals of this project are to study the mechanism of Akt signal pathway.

·         Title V "Induction of AR Transactivation by DHT vs E2" (15% effort) -Agency: NIH/NIDDK; RO1-DK60905, Years 1-4 (09/30/01-08/31/05). P.I.: Chawnshang Chang, Ph.D. The goal of this project is to dissect the differences between E2 and DHT for AR transactivation.