Functional Analysis of the Upstream Sequence of PHO81
Gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

XIA Zan-Xian and AO Shi-Zhou*
( State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China )

Abstract¡¡¡¡Deletion analysis on the fused PHO81-lacZ gene revealed two important regions in the upstream sequences of PHO81 gene£º £­401¡ª£­289 bp and £­1 012¡ª£­801 bp. They did not share higher similarity with the upstream regions of PHO5 and PHO84 gene, except that £­401¡ª£­289 bp contains the 5¡ä-CACGTG/T-3¡ä motif, which was found among the upstream regions of PHO5 and PHO84 gene and was the core sequence of PHO4 binding site£» it also contains A/T-rich segments flanking the motif, which may be PHO2 binding sites. This suggests that the £­401¡ª£­289 bp of the upstream region of PHO81 gene may contain upstream activation sequence (UAS), and £­1012¡ª£­801 bp may contain upstream enhancer sequence. The gel retardation assays of the £­1 012¡ª£­801 bp was performed using yeast total protein extract, and the results showed that there was an unknown protein factor binding at the region.
Key Words
¡¡¡¡PHO81 gene; deletion analysis; retardation assay

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