Research Paper

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Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2005,37: 759-766


Fast Fourier Transform-based Support Vector Machine for Prediction of G-protein Coupled Receptor Subfamilies


Yan-Zhi GUO, Meng-Long LI*, Ke-Long WANG, Zhi-Ning WEN, Min-Chun LU, Li-Xia LIU, and Lin JIANG


College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China


Received: April 11, 2005

Accepted: August 24, 2005

*Corresponding author: Tel, 86-28-89005151; Fax, 86-28-85412356; E-mail, [email protected]


Abstract        Although the sequence information on G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) continues to grow, many GPCRs remain orphaned (i.e. ligand specificity unknown) or poorly characterized with little structural information available, so an automated and reliable method is badly needed to facilitate the identification of novel receptors. In this study, a method of fast Fourier transform-based support vector machine has been developed for predicting GPCR subfamilies according to protein's hydrophobicity. In classifying Class B, C, D and F subfamilies, the method achieved an overall Matthew's correlation coefficient and accuracy of 0.95 and 93.3%, respectively, when evaluated using the jackknife test. The method achieved an accuracy of 100% on the Class B independent dataset. The results show that this method can classify GPCR subfamilies as well as their functional classification with high accuracy. A web server implementing the prediction is available at


Key words        G-protein coupled receptor; subfamily; fast Fourier transform; support vector machine; prediction


G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute a superfamily­ of cell surface receptor proteins characterized­ by seven transmembrane segments. The N-terminus is always located extracellularly and the C-terminus extends into the cytoplasm, which makes these proteins capable of transducing signals into the cell by the heterotrimeric G-protein [1]. GPCRs play a key role in cellular signaling networks that regulate various basic physiological processes, such as neurotransmission, cell metabolism, secretion, cell differentiation and growth, inflammatory and immune responses, smell, taste and vision [2]. More than 50% of drugs now available on the market act through GPCRs [3]. Although there have been methods developed to build the structural models of GPCRs [4,5], the structure of only one GPCR, bovine rhodopsin, has been solved experimentally.

The identification of novel GPCRs will greatly facilitate the target validation process and automatically provide a possible compound-screening assay [6]. In the past, many strategies have been used to identify novel GPCRs. The simplest and most frequently used method is to search a sequence database using sequence alignment tools, such as BLAST and FASTA [7-9]. Several pattern databases (e.g. PRINTS) have been built [10,11]. However, they are not always successful when the query proteins have no significant sequence similarity to the sequences in the database. The Pfam classifier based on the profile-hidden Markov model has been developed [12-15], but on the class level. To overcome these limitations, the support vector­ machine (SVM)-based methods have been used to classify the families and subfamilies, even sub-subfamilies, of GPCRs [3,16,17]. Another method using binary topology­ pattern has also been used to identify eukaryotic GPCRs [18].

The main goal of this work is to develop a method to determine GPCRs function at the subfamily level. A new method was developed for classifying subfamilies belonging­ to Class B, C, D and F GPCRs. This method couples fast Fourier transform (FFT) with SVM on the basis of the hydrophobicity of amino acid sequences. The performance of this method was validated by the jackknife test and evaluated by the independent dataset test.







To collect the sequences used for this study, all of the sequences belonging to Class B, C, D and F in GPCRDB (March 2005 release 9.0) ( [19] were picked out, then all orphan/putative sequences and fragments were removed. none of the sequences was identical to another in the dataset. The subfamilies that contained less than 10 sequences were dropped out. For Class B GPCRs, the sequences marked as "new" were excluded as the independent dataset; and because the other three classes were relatively small, all the eligible sequences were used. The final dataset contained 403 sequences belonging to 17 different subfamilies. The number of sequences for each different subfamily is listed in Table 1.


Quantitative description of proteins


The quantitative description of amino acid sequences is crucial. Here, three principal properties of proteins, the hydrophobicity, bulk and electronic property, were taken into account. The hydrophobicity model, c-p-v model [20] and electron-ion interaction potential (EIIP) model [21] were selected. The hydrophobicity determines the structure and function of proteins, especially for the transmembrane proteins. Three different hydrophobicity scales, KDHF [22], MHF [23] and FHF [24], were selected and optimized. The c-p-v model includes the composition (c), polarity (p) and molecular volume (v). The EIIP model describes the average energy states of all valence electrons of amino acid sequences. These numerical series are normalized to zero mean and unit standard deviation, as defined in Equation 1:


Eq. 1


where xij is some property value of the ith amino acid residue in the jth sequence,  is the mean property value of the jth sequence, and sj is the standard deviation of the jth sequence.




The Fourier transform changes the signal from time-based to frequency-based, as shown in Equation 2:


Eq. 2


FFT has been applied to protein sequence comparison [25] and rapid multiple sequence alignment [26]. FFT is defined in Equation 3:


Eq. 3


where ? is an Nth root of Unity. N is the number of frequency points.

In this work, 512 frequency points were set, and the power spectrum, a measurement of the power at each frequency, was used. A plot of power versus frequency is called the power spectrum or power spectral density. The power at each frequency point was taken as the input feature of SVMs. The numerical sequences of variable lengths are transformed to fixed length vectors in this way.




SVM [27,28] is a kind of learning machine based on statistical learning theory. The most attractive characteris­tics of SVM are the absence of local minima, the sparseness­ of the solution, and the use of the kernel-induced­ feature spaces. The SVM training process always seeks a global optimized solution and avoids over-fitting, so it has the ability to handle a large number of features and a relatively small dataset.

The basic ideas behind SVM can be introduced as follows. For a two-class problem, there are a series of samples described by the feature vectors xi(i=1,2,¼,l) (Equation 4) with corresponding labels yi={+1,-1}(i=1,2,¼,l) (Equation 5). To classify the two classes of samples, SVM maps the input vectors into a higher dimensional feature space, then constructs the maximal margin hyperplane (MMH), which maximizes the distance of the closest vectors belonging to the two classes to the hyperplane. The MMH can be obtained by solving the following convex quadratic programming problem:


Maximize  Eq. 4

subject to, Eq. 5


where C is a regularization parameter that controls the trade-off between the margin and classification error.

K(xj,xi) is the kernel function. In this paper, the radial basis function was selected as the kernel function (Equation 6):


Eq. 6


where s is the kernel width parameter.

The decision function implemented by SVM can be written as Equation 7:


Eq. 7


The prediction of GPCR subfamilies is a multi-class classification problem. In this paper, n SVMs were constructed for n-class classification. The ith SVM was trained with all samples in the ith subfamily with the label "1" and all other samples with the label "-1". The SVMs trained in this way were referred to as one-versus-rest SVMs [29]. All the kernel parameters were kept constant except for C and s. All the programs of this method were written in Matlab 7.0 programming language.


Performance evaluation


The models for all the subfamilies were validated by the jackknife test. For cross-validation, the jackknife test is deemed more effective and objective than the independent dataset test and sub-sampling test [30,31]. Chou and Zhang [32] have given a comprehensive discussion, and Mardia et al. [33] has explained the mathematical principle behind it. During the process of jackknifing, each receptor was singled out in turn as a test receptor with the remaining receptors used to train SVM.

Four indices, the accuracy (ACC) (Equation 8), Matthew's correlation coefficient (MCC) (Equation 9) [34], total ACC (Equation 10) and total MCC (Equation 11), were calculated for the assessment of the prediction system.


Eq. 8

Eq. 9

Eq. 10

Eq. 11


Here, i is the any subfamily, N is the total number of sequences, k is the subfamily number, exp(i) is the number­ of sequences observed in subfamily i, p(i) is the number of correctly predicted sequences of subfamily i, n(i) is the number of correctly predicted sequences not of subfamily i, u(i) is the number of under-predicted sequences, and o(i) is the number of over-predicted sequences.



Results and Discussion


Selecting principal property for SVMs with the best performance


FHF, one of the hydrophobicity scales, was used in the hydrophobicity model. The hydrophobicity, c-p-v and EIIP models transformed the amino acid sequences into numerical sequences separately, which were then transformed to input feature vectors using FFT of 512 frequency points for SVMs. The performance of SVMs based on the three models was validated using the jackknife test, as shown in Table 2. Table 2 shows that the performance based on the hydrophobicity model (FHF) is better than that based on the c-p-v model or EIIP model, achieving the highest total ACC and MCC of 91.6% and 0.94, respectively. The results indicate that hydrophobicity is the most important property of proteins and can preferably substitute the amino acid sequences quantitatively.


Selecting input feature vectors for SVMs from the FFT transformed signals


The numerical sequences based on the hydrophobicity model with FHF as the scale were transformed with FFT to the input feature vectors for SVMs in three ways: (1) using all the 512 frequency points; (2) using 256 odd frequency­ points extracted from the FFT signals; and (3) using 256 even frequency points extracted from the FFT signals. The performances of the three groups of feature vectors were compared using the jackknife test, as shown in Table 3. Table 3 shows that adopting 256 even frequency­ points as input vectors can get the highest overall ACC and MCC. For each GPCR subfamily, the total ACC of adopting 256 even frequency points is equal or higher than that of adopting the other two groups of frequency points. So, in the later experiments, the input feature vectors of SVMs were the 256 even frequency points for all the subfamilies.


Selecting one hydrophobicity scale with the best performance­


Adopting the 256 even frequency points as the feature vectors for each subfamily, the performances of SVMs based on the different hydrophobicity scales were compared­ using the jackknife test. The results are listed in Table 4. From Table 4, we can see that the performance­ of SVMs based on KDHF and MHF is not as good as that based on FHF. The SVM based on FHF achieves the highest­ total ACC and MCC of 93.3% and 0.95, respectively. This method can classify Class B with a total­ ACC of 90.7%; Class C, 87.9%; Class D, 95.8%; and Class F, 100%. The results prove that SVM based on FHF can classify GPCR subfamilies with the highest accuracy.


Assigning a reliability index to the prediction


It is important to know the prediction reliability when using machine-learning techniques to assign subfamilies of GPCRs. The reliability index (RI) was assigned according to the difference (noted as diff) between the highest and the second-highest output score of SVMs in a multi-class classification [3,27]. The reliability score in this work has been computed using Equation 12:


Eq. 12


The expected prediction accuracy and the number of sequences for each given RI were calculated, as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 shows that the model predicted 81.9% (330/403) sequences with RI5. Three hundred and thirty sequences­ (RI5) were nearly 100% correctly predicted, and only one sequence is under-predicted (the accuracy is 329/330=99.7%). These results suggest that our model can predict GPCR subfamilies with high reliability.


Independent dataset test


Because Class C, D and F have fewer members than Class B, all proteins of Class C, D and F were used for the training dataset. As described in "Methods", the sequences marked as "new" in Class B in GPCRDB (March 2005 release 9.0) that do not exist in the training set were used to check the practical application of this method as the independent dataset. There are three receptors for the calcitonin­ subfamily, three for the corticotropin-releasing factor subfamily, two for the glucagon subfamily, two for the parathyroid hormone subfamily, four for the PACAP subfamily, three for the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide subfamily and ten for the latrophilin subfamily. The overall­ ACC is 100%, which shows the method's strong facility for practical application.


Comparison with SVM based on amino acid composition and dipeptide composition


Artificial intelligence-based techniques such as SVM and the neural network require a fixed number of inputs for training, so it is necessary to find a strategy for transforming­ the variable lengths of proteins to fixed length patterns. Amino acid composition [3,29,33] and dipeptide composition [3,35,36] have been used widely in bioinformatics using intelligence techniques. The amino acid and dipeptide compositions of proteins can be used to encapsulate the protein information in a vector of 20 and 400 dimensions, respectively. It is worth comparing our method with the SVM based on amino acid composition­ and dipeptide composition respectively. But the performances of the SVMs based on the two approaches with the jackknife test indicate that neither of the two approaches can discriminate any subfamily successfully. It may be because Class B, C, D and F do not have enough samples, so that there is no statistical meaning for each subfamily using the two statistical approaches. However, our method can classify GPCR subfamilies with good performance, indicating its powerful ability to deal with relatively small datasets.



Prediction Web Server


Based on this study, a web server has been set up to allow users to recognize GPCR subfamilies. It is freely available at Users­ can submit the query sequence in the standard format­ of FASTA. After analysis, the results will show the GPCR subfamily to which the query sequence belongs.





This paper describes a method of SVM in combination with FFT to classify GPCR subfamilies. During the develop­ment of SVMs, three principal properties, hydrophobicity, bulk and electronic property, were compared. The results show that the hydrophobicity of proteins is the most important­ property in deciding GPCRs' function. Three hydrophobicity scales, KDHF, MHF and FHF, were optimized, and the performance based on FHF was best. It was indicated that taking 256 even frequency points of FFT transformed signals as input vectors could achieve the highest accuracy. From these results, it is obvious that the substitution model can affect the performance of the method. We think that the performance of this method will be improved further if a more suitable substitution model is found. We expect to find a hybrid model (related to hydrophobicity) that can integrate other important properties­ in a reasonable way, rather than using hydro­pho­bicity alone. The establishment of such methods will facilitate­ drug discovery for many diseases.





This work was supported by the State Key Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics, Hunan University (Changsha, China).





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