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ABBS Volume 46 Issue 3 was available (Special Issue on "Cancer")
    Cancer is a set of diseases characterized by uncontrolled or inappropriate cell growth, which is strongly associated with defects in signal-transduction proteins. Understanding the molecular details of major signaling pathways is critical for developing therapeutic strategies against cancers. In this special issue, we have invited several prominent experts in the field of cancer research to summarize the recent advances in this field. The articles in this special issue can be grouped into four major topics: (i) the molecules involved in cancer signaling pathway (Feng ZH, Hu WW, Liu BL, and Wang ZH), (ii) metabolic reprogramming and hypoxia in cancer (Lei QY and Zhang HF), (iii) noncoding RNA and anticancer drugs (Huang X and Xi YG), and (iv) immunomodulatory drugs (Chang XB).
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